Build tailored strategies for personal growth.

Sign up to work one-on-one with a Healthy Gamer Coach. Move at your own pace and dedicate time to process your past experiences and emotions.
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<h2 class="heading-small blocks-heading">Build tailored strategies for personal growth.</h2>
<div class="block-text">Sign up to work one-on-one with a Healthy Gamer Coach. Move at your own pace and dedicate time to process your past experiences and emotions.</div>
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Looking for a support group?

Sign up to work with a coach and 6 others, gain insight from multiple perspectives, and grow in a supportive environment.
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<h2 class="heading-small blocks-heading">Looking for a support group?</h2>
<div class="block-text">Sign up to work with a coach and 6 others, gain insight from multiple perspectives, and grow in a supportive environment.</div><a href="#" class="button w-inline-block">
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<div class="text-block-5">Learn More</div></div>
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Does your child struggle with video game addiction?

Regain control from video games with the Healthy Gamer Action plan, developed by Harvard-trained psychiatrist and world expert in video game addiction. Learn why your child plays video games and how to create healthy gaming habits.
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<div class="container cta-blocks cta-3">
<h2 class="heading-small blocks-heading">Does your child struggle with video game addiction?</h2>
<div class="block-text">Regain control from video games with the Healthy Gamer Action plan, developed by Harvard-trained psychiatrist and world expert in video game addiction. Learn why your child plays video games and how to create healthy gaming habits.</div>
<a href="#" class="button w-inline-block">
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<div class="text-block-5">Learn More</div></div>
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