June 25, 2021
From the Monastery to Multiplayer Games: How Healthy Gamer Is Helping the Internet Generation

In the early 2000s, Alok Kanojia’s future wasn’t rendering like it should. A first-generation Texan raised by Indian immigrant parents, Alok was coming up on two years of academic probation with a GPA in the 2.0 range. As he slept through exams and threw out his grades without looking at them, Alok was rejected from medical school 120 times over three years. Gaming became a way to cope, but it wasn’t changing the outcome.
Today Dr. Kanojia—or Dr. K, as he’s more commonly known—is still an active gamer with over 516,000 followers on Twitch, and he’s a highly regarded psychiatrist with a private practice and an instructor position at Harvard Medical School.
Read the full story on Yahoo! Finance here.
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Boss Type
Favorite Quote
Communication Strategy
Seeks control.
"Did you do what I told you to do?"
Approach privately, don't contradict them in public.
Career Climber
Ambitious. Concerned about own image.
"How does this reflect on me?"
Understand their goals. Support them or avoid embarrassing them.
Company Man
Wishes to avoid criticism from above.
"Will my boss/the company be happy?"
Align your work with corporate/group goals.
Minimize hassle, collect pay, go home. Value peace above fairness.
"Who is causing me a hassle now?"
Pitch assurances of safe ideas.
Old Timer
Values safety of the proven past. Operates on inertia and fear.
"This is how we've always done it."
Present ideas as small, safe, and as tiny deviances of current systems.
Made a manager because of craft excellence, not management skill.
"Is this work at my standards?"
Ask for their expert opinion and help. Be meticulous in your work.
Value adherence to instructions.
"Did you do it exactly as I told you?"
Invite oversight and give frequent updates.
Cannot say no. No balance.
"I'm so busy, I have no time for this."
Set boundaries, offer help, bother them rarely.
Invisible Hand
Remote. Delegates the day to day. Trusts employees.
"Call me if you need me."
Handle problems you can, call them quickly if there are issues.
Servant Leader
Values team players. Struggle with disruptive or selfish employees.
"How can I help you succeed?"
Work towards team goals.
Retail Manager
Disempowered. Common in fast food, mall stores, etc.
"That's what HQ said; I can't change it."
Adhere to the letter of the rules.
Deep emotional ties. Threats to business are threats to them.
"My name is on the building."
Treat their business as personal property.